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Trainee Island
Quests here are relatively fluid but it is suggested to complete all quests before entering the pirate ship Navislamia which functions as an introduction to the main quest line in Rappelz.
Lvl 1: Starting Area (Guide) Your First Hunt
Lvl 1: Starting Area (Guide) Learning Basic Skills
Lvl 1: Starting Area (Guide) Feather Collection
Lvl 1: Starting Area (Guide) Meet Tutor Sistina
Lvl 1: Tutor Sistina Camp (Tutor Sistina) Achieve Job Level 3
Lvl 1: Tutor Sistina Camp (Tutor Sistina) A Skilled Deva/Gaia/Asura
Lvl 1: Tutor Sistina Camp (Tutor Sistina) Meet Mentor Gildas
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) First Class Transfer
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Zealot Integra) Integra’s Words: Revelation
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) Meet the Lak Trader
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Lak Trader Schrire) Your First Lak
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Lak Trader Schrire) Return To Mentor Gildas
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) Upgrading Items
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Zealot Integra) Integra’s Words: Glory
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) Merchant's Request
Lvl 1: Trainee Town (Merchant Zapang) Herb Collecting
Lvl 1: A Hill North Of Town (Trainee Ivan) Voice of Truth
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) Meet The Summoner
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Summoner Rudmiya) Taming Pets
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Summoner Rudmiya) Report To Gildas
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Mentor Gildas) Meet Master Lancelot
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Job Supporter Daneb) Class Transfer Test --- Teleports to Shore
Lvl 10: Coast of Burning Sands (Trainee OB Tristan) Catch Anatema
Lvl 10: Ginko Grove (Master Lancelot) Test Your Might
Lvl 10: Ginko Grove (Master Lancelot) Spreading Wings
Lvl 10: Ginko Grove (Master Lancelot) Tristan's Request
Lvl 10: Coast of Burning Sands (Trainee OB Tristan) Report to Daneb
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Job Supporter Daneb) Reporting First Job Transfer to Gildas
Lvl 10: Trainee Town (Teleporter Authier) To The Continent --- Quest to leave TI, save completion for last
Lvl 10: Coast of Burning Sands (Trainee OB Tristan) Tristan’s Test
Lvl 10: Road Of Ill Fortune (Low Priest Rubin) Brighton's Calling: Dawn
Lvl 10: Road Of Ill Fortune (Magician Shull) Brighton's Calling: Dusk --- 7 day Heart Looter
Lvl 10: Coast of Burning Sands (Trainee OB Tristan) Attack of the Worm Piranhas!
Lvl 10: Coast of Burning Sands (Trainee OB Tristan) Reel Big Fish
The ship utilizes one-way portals, you cannot backtrack within the dungeon. The warp crystal gained at the beginning of this quest line is required to enter the ship – do not destroy it.
Lvl 11: Ginko Grove (Captain Fedora) Entering Navislamia
Lvl 11: Ghost ship Navislamia (Deck Guard) Find The Low Priest
Lvl 11: Ghost ship Navislamia (A Strange Girl) The Zombie Crew
Lvl 11: Navislamia Wheelhouse (Low Priest Jory) Get To The Galley
Lvl 11: Navislamia Galley (Low Priest Abo) Searching For Temple Knight Vincent
Lvl 11: Navislamia Galley (Assassin MacGuinness) Earrings Of The Witch
Lvl 11: Navislamia Grand Cabin (The Temple Knight Vincent) Witch's Pendant
Lvl 11: Navislamia (The Temple Knight Vincent) Navislamia's Final Voyage --- Handing in this quest will lock you out of the ship
This instanced dungeon opens at lvl 30 and becomes more difficult as you reach higher levels. You can collect/return these quest to the Union Member in any city. An additional (and unique) attribute of the vulcanus daily quests is that they give exp twice: the amount defined in the quest description + a bonus that increases with your level.
Daily quest versions are available to Lvl 149 and under. Rewards include SS, Amplifiers and Devas Blessings.
Walk-throughs by [Corsola] [Peir]
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Investigate the New Gate
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Dungeon Exploration
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Secrets of Birth
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Ancient Legacy
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) The Cursed Tree
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Secrets of Birth? Collect Experimental Material --- Daily under 149
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Key of Vulcanus
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Cursed Tree? Collect Experimental Material --- Daily under 149
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Ancient Traces
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Box of Honesty
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Ancient Traces? Collect Data --- Daily under 149
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Source of Life
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Prepare For the Future
Lvl 30: H/K/L/R (Union Member ***) Source of Life? Endless Resurrection
Boss Ross
This quest line is not available for higher levels due to the final reward.
Walk-through by [Corsola]
Lvl 50: Rondo (Boss Ross) You’re Fired!
Lvl 50: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Friendly Reminder
Lvl 50: Rondo (Boss Ross) Work Order
Lvl 50: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Shell Shocked
Lvl 50: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Getting Personal
Lvl 50: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Uncovering the Truth
Lvl 50: Rondo (Commander Khan) Return to Henry
Lvl 50: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Disenchanting the Scroll
Lvl 50: Rondo (Commander Khan) Revealing the Scroll
Lvl 50: Rondo (Boss Ross) You’re Really Fired! --- 14 day Munster Looter
Lvl 50: Rondo (Boss Ross) It’s Not Too Late to Apologize! --- Growth Potion under lvl120
Red Farm Fanatics
Second part of the main quest line story.
Walk-throughs by [Corsola] [BeerMen] [Blender]
Lvl 50: Rondo (Guild Official Resha) Meeting the Oracle
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Fenrir Reinke) A Treat for Reinke [Wikia]
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Elohim's Trial: Strong Legs
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) History of the Land: Prelude of Blood
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Elohim's Tail: Cold Eyes
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) History of the Land: Witch Hunt
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Elohim's Trial: Lucid Spirit
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) History of the Land: Fanatics
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Elohim's Tail: Stout Heart
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Fanatic Assassin: Red Farm
Witch Hunting pt.1
Third part of the main quest line, some quest mobs are quite difficult. No higher level assistance for the final quest.
Walk-throughs by [Corsola] [BeerMen] [Blender]
Lvl 50: Katan (Guild Official Leviathan) Fanatic Assassin: Katan
Lvl 50: Horizon (Guild Official Oveli) Fanatic Assassin: Horizon
Lvl 50: Laksy (Guild Official Ces) Fanatic Assassin: Laksy
Lvl 50: Rondo (Guild Official Resha) Fanatic Assassin: Rondo
Lvl 50: Rondo (Guild Official Resha) Commander Investiture
Lvl 50: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Instructor Bansky
Lvl 50: Sirag Ruins (Instructor Bansky) Traces of the Witch: Sirag Ruins
Lvl 50: Sirag Ruins (Instructor Bansky) Instructor Heingel Walker
Lvl 50: Magical Experimental Field (Instructor Heingel Walker) Traces of the Witch: Magic Test Ground
Lvl 50: Magical Experimental Field (Instructor Heingel Walker) The Witches Resurrection
Lvl 50: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Reporting the Witch's Resurrection
Lvl 50: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Declaring War Against the Fanatics
Lvl 50: Ivory Tower (Subjugation Force Commander Fenant) Subjugating the Ivory Tower Fanatics
Lvl 50: Ivory Tower (Subjugation Force Commander Fenant) Supporting the Assassin Guild
Lvl 50: Assassin Guild (Subjugation Force Commander Richard) Subjugating the Assassin Guild Fanatics
Lvl 50: Assassin Guild (Subjugation Force Commander Richard) Reporting the Subjugation of the Assassins Guild Fanatics
Lvl 50: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Summoning Hector
Lvl 50: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Supporting the Witch Hunt
Lvl 50: Dead Spirits' Altar (Hero Hector) Witch Hunt
The Sanctuary
Quests intended to assist in leveling, cannot be started at lvl 150+, not expected to be completed solo.
Walk-throughs by [Corsola] [Wikia] [Blender]
Lvl 120: Rondo (Merchant Ake) Delivery to Pitch-Black Woods
Lvl 120: Guard post Of Pitch-Black Woods (Security Guard Benny) Black Woods Exploration
Lvl 120: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) A Crystal in the Sanctuary
Lvl 120: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) Reckless Passion
Lvl 120: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) A Plea for Vengeance
Lvl 120: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) Deliver a Report
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Investigate Dwen's Corpse
Lvl 120: City of Ruins(Lead Explorer Brittany) The Murder
Lvl 120: Rondo (Weapon Trader Hwiss) The Murder #2
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Requiem for Dwen
Lvl 120: Mare Village (Charmer Kisha) Requiem for Dwen #2
Lvl 120: Mare Village (Charmer Kisha) Requiem for Dwen #3-1
Lvl 120: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) Requiem for Dwen #3-2
Lvl 120: Mare Village (Charmer Kisha) Requiem for Dwen #4
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Requiem for Dwen #5
Lvl 120: Rondo (Merchant Ake) Lost In the Mail
Lvl 120: Rondo (Blacksmith Rashumu) Lost In the Mail #2
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Steps Towards the Truth
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Steps Towards the Truth #2
Lvl 120: Guard post Of Pitch-Black Woods (Security Guard Benny) Steps Towards the Truth #3
Lvl 120: Guard post Of Pitch-Black Woods (Security Guard Benny) Steps Towards the Truth #4
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Steps Towards the Truth #5
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Lead Explorer Brittany) Bitter Truth
Veiled Island
Second group of quests intended to assist in leveling. Mobs on the island have a difficulty level above champion mobs and below dungeon mobs. Not expected to be completed solo.
Walk-throughs by [Wikia] [Blender]
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Troph) Too Cold!
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Narcitec) Gust of Wind
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Narcitec) Missing Page
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Ketec) A New Partnership
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Ketec) Making Money
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Ketec) The Ultimate Hunt
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Ketec) Bear Bounty
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Nokiloff) Hunter's Revenge
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Nokiloff) Fuel for the Fire
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Nokiloff) Leader of the Pack
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Hunter Nokiloff) Playing Dead
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Monster Researcher Shika) Strange Anathema
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Monster Researcher Shika) You Are What You Eat
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Explorer Derek) Poor Derek
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Medic Agadane) Making an Antidote
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Medic Agadane) Delivery
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Medic Agadane) Cracking Eggs
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Snowfield Explorer Kechikan) Kechikan's Glasses
Lvl 130: Frozen Coast (Little Yeti Poyocon) The Shiniest of All
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Snowfield Explorer Kechikan) Pagemaster
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Saurn's Journal
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Village of Shadows
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Saurn's Sacrifice
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Medic Ruelley) Zombology
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Medic Ruelley) Dragon Priest Ester
Lvl 130: Snowfield Basin (Dragon Priest Ester) Prove Your Might
Lvl 130: Snowfield Basin (Dragon Priest Ester) Dragon Eggs
Lvl 130: Snowfield Basin (Dragon Priest Ester) Crystalus
Ice Maiden
Unique quest line with a final reward of a tamed Ice Maiden. These quests include the killing of several mobs and dungeon bosses that require 1 hour to respawn. Not expected to be completed solo.
Walk-throughs by [Peir] [epic 7 guide] [Blender]
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Guard Kaydog) The Big Bad Catman
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Guard Kaydog) Commander Alphonse
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Commander Alphonse) Nakibu
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Hungry Hungry Nakibu
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Birds of a Feather
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Trimming Claws
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Prove Yourself
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Fetch, Boy!
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Commander Alphonse) Chief Explorer Kane
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Explorer Chesha
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Explorer Chesha) Mining for Information
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Explorer Chesha) Warm Blooded
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Cat's Advice
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Living Minerals
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) The Story of Kaia
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Love is a Battlefield
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) The Final Piece
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Kill Draka!
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Might of the Goddess
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Will of the Goddess
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Judgment of the Goddess
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Fury of the Goddess
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Breaking the Ice
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Friendly Mardukan Nakibu) Kaia
>>You now have an Ice Maiden
Unicorn Forest
Third group of quests intended to assist in leveling. Mobs in the forest start at lvl 170. Not expected to be completed solo. You need to complete the Silpineu to Miriel section to unlock the Undine daily quest
Walk-through by [Blender]
Lvl 130: Shore (Traveler Silpineu) The Sickly Unicorn
Lvl 130: Shore (Traveler Silpineu) Mist Pixies
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Mist Pixie Miriel) Stealing Scales
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Mist Pixie Miriel) Soul Trees
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Mist Pixie Miriel) Delicate Balance
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Mist Pixie Miriel) Bearer of Good News
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Herbalist Byron) Dressing a Wound
Lvl 130: Unicorn Forest (Herbalist Byron) Herb Collector
Witch Hunting pt. 2
Fourth part of the main quest line also referred to as Vault/Laboratory quests. These quests include the killing of several mobs and bosses that require 1 hour to respawn. Many of the quests require completion via the quest window rather than returning to NPC. Not expected to be completed solo.
Walk-throughs by [Peir] [Blender] [Mike pt1 pt2]
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) Reporting to the Pope
Lvl 138: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) Receiving the Reward
Lvl 138: Templar Headquarters (Light Pope Lucian) A Hero's Medal
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) The Truth of the Slain Witch
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) The True Witch
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) Hunting Fanatics
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) Finishing the Job
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) The Crystal
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) The Truth of the Voices
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) The Residue
Lvl 138: Templar Headquarters () Breaking the Enchantment
Lvl 138: Templar Headquarters () The Dimensional Gate
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab () The Corrupted Church
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab (Ancient Priest Ponet) Interrogation
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab (Ancient Priest Recna) Ambush!
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab (Ancient Priest Recna) Look Right Here
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab (Ancient Priest Recna) The Witchhunt Continues
Lvl 138: Ancient Magic Lab (Ancient Priest Recna) Hearing Voices Again?
Lvl 138: Bioweaving Lab () One Man's Trash..
Lvl 138: Bioweaving Lab () Waste Disposal
Lvl 138: Bioweaving Lab () Neurology Lab
Lvl 138: Neurology Lab () The Banshee
Lvl 138: Neurology Lab () We've Got Company
Lvl 138: Mental Probing Chamber () The Dark Knight
Lvl 138: Neurology Lab () Memory Extraction
Lvl 138: Mental Probing Chamber () The Sapient Spire
Lvl 138: Mental Probing Chamber () The Needle Fragment
Lvl 138: Library Core () The Library
Lvl 138: Library Core () Pillar of Light
Lvl 138: Library Core () Vision of Peace
Lvl 138: Library Core () Vision of Magic
Lvl 138: Library Core () Vision of Sealing
Lvl 138: Library Core () Vision of Truth
Lvl 138: Library Core () The Beginning of the End
Lvl 138: Witchcraft Study () Knightly Knight
Lvl 138: Witchcraft Study () Hoodwinked!
Lvl 138: Witchcraft Study () The Failed Experiment
Lvl 138: Dimension Study () The Northern Wing
Lvl 138: Architecture Study () Destroying Perfection
Lvl 138: Cloning Study () The Last Wing
Lvl 138: Cloning Study () The Birth of Corruption
Lvl 138: --- () Resurrection Chamber
Lvl 138: Cloning Study () Resistance --- Mirror Images
Lvl 138: Cloning Study () Resurrection Chamber ---Take portal into the chamber, no exit portal
Lvl 138: Resurrection Chamber () The Pod
Lvl 138: Resurrection Chamber () Lucian's Demise
Lvl 138: Resurrection Chamber () The Final Battle --- Completion will teleport you to Hector
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) Hector's Secret
Lvl 138: Dead Spirit's Altar (Hero Hector) Witch Burning
Master Class
Final part of the main quest line, key to obtain MC and Talent Points. The trial platforms utilize one-way portals, you cannot backtrack between platforms. Some quests require you to obtain last hit on the mob while others are timed. Includes at least 1 puzzle per platform, you are not required to complete all quests to advance once enough points are obtained. Failure to gain enough points while completing all quests on a platform will result in you having to start the 'Essence' quest again.
Walk-throughs by [Peir] [Blender]
Lvl 148: Dead Spirits' Altar (Hero Hector) Delving Deeper
Lvl 148: Dead Spirits' Altar (Hero Hector) The Trial Chamber --- Teleports to Master Trial Foyer
Lvl 148: Master Trial Foyer (Trial Assistant) Step One..
Lvl 148: Warrior Platform (Trial Assistant) Warrior's Essence (0/10 points)
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Defeat Abhuva!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Lights Blessing: Pillars
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Light or Dark: Knights
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Cat Killer: Marduka
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Cleanup: Witch
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Warrior (Trial Assistant) Riddled: Puzzle
Lvl 148: Magician Platform (Trial Assistant) Magician's Essence (0/12 points)
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Defeat Betrayal!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Zombies!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Pillar Pilfering
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Pillar Sprint
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Cube Collection
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Breaking Rocks
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Magician (Trial Assistant) Disguises: Puzzle
Lvl 148: Hunter Platform (Trial Assistant) Hunter's Essence (0/16 points)
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Silex!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Picking Pillars
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Light Gathering: Pillars
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Leos!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Octopi!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Makrul!
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Catch a Tiger by the Toe: Marduka
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Failed Experiments: Witch
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Hunter (Trial Assistant) Sealed Magic Essence: Puzzle
Lvl 148: Summoner Platform (Trial Assistant) Summoner's Essence (0/22 points)
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Summoned Aurumis
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Choose Wisely: Knights
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Witch Assault
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Wild Wild Witch
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Mardukan Murder
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) The Maze
Lvl 148: Chamber of the Summoner (Trial Assistant) Rigg and Rukaric --- Need to do all quests first
Lvl 148: Master Arena (Trial Assistant) Spirits of the Ancients
Lvl 148: Master Arena (Trial Assistant) Final Ceremony --- Continue talking to Abomination Girl to complete MC
MC: Master Arena (Abomination Girl) Return --- Need this to start TP quests, teleports to Hector
MC: Rondo (Blacksmith Henry) Amazing Ability --- Booster - Jump Attack
*not a required part of MC but it doesnt have a better place in the list
Talent Points
These quests can be taken in any order, Exploration and Steel can be time consuming but require nothing but patience and some gold. The stones needed for Exploration take several minutes to respawn, you may find it easier to collect them in groups of 5 or follow a trail rather than wait around. Note King of Creatures has a 'rage' debuff that is applied after each step in the quest and needs to be removed/time out before you can summon the next mob.
Walk-through by [Blender]
MC: Dead Spirits Altar (Hero Hector) [TP] Eloim Ciape --- Teleport to Coast
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) King of Basic Creatures
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) King of Normal Basic Creatures
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) King of Special Basic Creatures
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) King of Normal Rare Creatures
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) King of Special Rare Creatures
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) Double Monarch
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) Triple Monarch
MC: Coast (Elohim Siahpe) Penta Monarch
MC: Dead Spirits Altar (Hero Hector) [TP] Elonir the Sand Protector --- Teleport to Ceriu Desert
MC: Ceriu Desert (Desert Keeper Eleno) King of Exploration (0/100) [RAD map]
MC: Dead Spirits Altar (Hero Hector) [TP] Exorcist Jeina --- Teleport to Pyre Site
MC: Pyre Site (Charmer Jeina) The King of Steel
MC: Rondo (Mayor Ailrena) [TP] Mysterious Request
160: City of Ruins (Warrior Hector) Witch's Truth
160: Rondo (Armor Trader Bella) Doll Production
160: City of Ruins (Witch's Child Xabi) Witch's Child
160: City of Ruins (Warrior Hector) Hector's Request
160: Mare Village (Charmer Kisha) Investigation in the Village
160: Mare Village (Charmer Kisha) Letter Delivery
160: City of Ruins (Warrior Hector) Trace of the Defense Force
160: City of Ruins (Witch's Child Xabi) Defense Force Token --- Reward: item to access Remains of the Ancients dungeon in Sirag Ruins
160: City of Ruins (Warrior Hector) Remains of the Ancients
*you will not get the TP quest until you reach level 170
170: City of Ruins (Warrior Hector) [TP] The Truth Revealed --- Reward: 1 Talent Point
Labyrinth Quests
This quest line includes the ability to summon a set of bosses into the final room of the cube dungeon, commonly used to increase the amount of exp gained per round, hence the decisions to do 'spawns' or not.
Walk-through by [Blender]
MC: Veiled Island (Infiltrator Mollok) The Labyrinth
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) Exio
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) Destroying Spirit Golems
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) Communication Breakdown
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) The Final Barrier
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) Butkadah's Chamber
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Ridly) Escape Plan
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Exio) Slay Butkadah! --- Completing this quest will prevent the exit portal from appearing
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Exio) Notification
MC: The Labyrinth (Infiltrator Julius) One More Time --- This quest spawns the 3 bosses into the final chamber, they do not drop items
Island of Forgotten Gods
Prerequisite: Vulcanus Quests
To board the boat that takes you there, you must have a Shepard Boarding Pass – This ticket can be obtained via the daily quest or bought for 50,000,000 from the Black Marketer NPCs.
Lvl 150: Rondo (Trade Director Mirune) Luciad Society's Request
Lvl 150: City of Ruins (Luciad Society Ruth) [Daily] Exploration of the Island of Forgotten Gods
Daily: Single Quests
Most of the unlinked daily quests reward you with a coin that can be traded at any Coin Exchange Epic NPC for a variety of items including exclusive decorative suit pieces with randomized durability stats and amplifiers, the NPC will give you a full list and costs. When an epic update rolls out the coin type will change along with the suit available, you can exchange unused old coins for new ones at a rate of 3:1.
The Epic 8.3 suit was 'Sirocco Costume' [M] [F]
The Epic 9.1 suit was 'Maid Costume' [M] [F]
The Epic 9.2 suit was 'Cheerleader Costume' [M] [F]
Walk-through by [Alexander - VI exclusive]
NPC location and some further quest information [Ominous-KenjiKamiya]
Lvl 50: Red Farm (Red-Haired Girl Luci) Fenrir’s Cub Book
Lvl 50: Rondo (Sweetheart Kayle) Engagement Ring --- Reward: Awakening Stone: Accessories
Lvl 70: Ceriu Desert (Adventure Laugle) The Beautiful Desert
Lvl 70: Ceriu Desert (Merchant Seisia) Bizarre Collector 1
Lvl 70: Ceriu Desert (Merchant Seisia) Bizarre Collector 2
Lvl 70: Ceriu Desert (Archeologist Bob) Without a Trace
Lvl 80: Palmir Plateau (Vanguard Captain Miele) Save Those Souls
Lvl 80: Rondo (Bodyguard Papuga) Fragment Medicine --- Reward: Power of Change: Artifact
Lvl 85: Needleleaf Forest (Agent Cay) Enter the Crystal Valley
Lvl 100: Needleleaf Forest (Agent Cay) Howling
Lvl 100: Marduka’s Realm (Elite Hunter Johns) Expansion of the Ramp
Lvl 100: Marduka’s Realm (Elite Hunter Johns) Important Letter
Lvl 100: Marduka’s Realm (Elite Hunter Gale) Mission Letter
Lvl 100: City of Ruins (Armor Merchant Schurana) Armor Materials
Lvl 110: Pitch Black Woods Guard Post (Security Guard Benny) Stop the Expansion
Lvl 120: City of Ruins (Grocery Merchant Min) I Will Let You Know
Lvl 130: Laksy (Quest Broker Rohas) Being Smart Medicine --- Reward: Power of Change: Artifact
Lvl 130: City of Ruins (Weapon Merchant Laschen) Weapon Collector
Lvl 130: The Waterfall (Explorer Molly) Support for Exploration --- Reward: Awakening Stone: Accessories
Lvl 130: Veiled Island (Monster Researcher Shika) Horned Beast
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Monster Researcher Shika) News of the Unicorn
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Soldier Lasca) Mask of Yeti
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Soldier Benen) Soldier of Miser?
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Soldier Benen) Got Sole?
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Chief Explorer Kane) Consolation of the Dead
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Medic Ruelley) Wrap Up Warm
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Medic Ruelley) Frostbite Medicine
Lvl 150: Unicorn Forest (Herbalist Byron) Valuable Herbs
Lvl 150: Unicorn Forest (Herbalist Byron) Healing Leaves
Lvl 150: Unicorn Forest (Herbalist Byron) Fairy Dust
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Snowfield Explorer Kinzique) Escort the Wagon
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Snowfield Explorer Kinzique) Stolen Supplies
Lvl 150: Veiled Island (Snowfield Explorer Kinzique) Expedition Counterattack
Lvl 160: Horizon (Unknown Pierrot) Let's Test Your Luck --- Reward: Power of Change: Artifact + Numbered Box
Daily: Boss Quests
These short quest lines reward you with a small amount of Arena Points as well as fortune cubes and optional soul pet cards. Unfortunately I have not come across minimum level requirements for these quests.
Walk-through by [Bowchicawowow]
parts of these quest lines no longer have to be completed daily
Lvl 50: Laksy (Messenger Megho) Emergency Call
Lvl 50: Pyre Site (Charmer Jeina) A Grave Vision --- first time only
Lvl 50: Pyre Site (Charmer Jeina) Report to the Captain
Lvl 50: Katan (Guard Captain Isla) The Barn --- first time only
Lvl 50: Katan (Guard Captain Isla) Warn the Researchers!
Lvl 50: Northeast of Katan (Researcher Nick) The Blight Ogre (lvl 50 Blight Ogre)
Lvl ??: Ceriu Desert (Archeologist Bob) Feeling a Bit Hungry
Lvl ??: Ceriu Desert (Archeologist Bob) The Desert Legend
Lvl ??: Ceriu Desert (Archeologist Bob) Exploration of the Shattered Labyrinth (lvl 100 Minotaurus)
Lvl ??: Rondo (Guard Captain Kudon) Sibling Safety
Lvl ??: Palmir Plateau (Vanguard Captain Miele) Supply Recovery --- first time only
Lvl ??: Palmir Plateau (Vanguard Captain Miele) Mysterious Letter --- first time only
Lvl ??: Palmir Plateau (Wary Fanatic) Fallen Sinites Levack --- first time only
Lvl ??: Palmir Plateau (Vanguard Captain Miele) Take the Lead! (lvl 120 Baphomet)
Lvl ??: Palmir Plateau (Vanguard Lahomu) Reporting to Kudun
Lvl ??: Shore (Traveler Silpineu) The Forest Lord --- The Unicorn Forest quests must be completed first to unlock this
Lvl ??: Pitch Black Woods (Forest Lord Mahibub)
Lvl ??: Pitch Black Woods (Forest Spirit Ro) The Corrupted Secret (lvl 150 Undine)
Lvl ??: Crystal Mountain Summit (Supervisor Heath) Collecting Crystals --- first time only
Lvl ??: Crystal Mountain Summit (Engineer Clifford) Abandoned Ore --- first time only
Lvl ??: Crystal Mountain Summit (Engineer Clifford) Drillbot Located! (lvl 180 Drillbot)
Roaming Boss Quests
These roaming bosses used to be a great alternative to field farming with their fast respawn, now they need a little more time to pop back but they're still a more complex fight than other field mobs. They roll in packs of 5 and cast various debuffs including negative movement speed and poison.
Lvl 110: The Waterfall (Elite Hunter Gale) Elite Hunt: Stormbringer Lucius
Lvl 120: North Of Mare Village (Elite Hunter Johas) Elite Hunt: Silex The Giant
Lvl 130: The Waterfall (Elite Hunter Gale) Elite Hunt: Kiscia the Beautiful
Lvl 140: City of Ruins (Lak Trader Tire) Ruined City Request: Lady Ruina
Lvl 150: City of Ruins (Lak Trader Tire) Ruined City Request: Dominatus the Mad
Lvl 160: Crystal Mountain Summit (Elite Hunter Elken) Elite Hunt: Queen Eratia
Lvl 170: Crystal Mountain Summit (Elite Hunter Elken) Elite Hunt: Ilrios the False God
Dungeon Boss Time Attacks
Like the Sanctuary quest line and Boss Ross these quests are only available to those within certain level ranges. A unique aspect of time attack quests is while they seem repeatable their timer is actually shorter as you progress through the set (unconfirmed for lower dungeons).
Lvl 40-55: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: Relics of Arid Moonlight
Lvl 40-55: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Relics of Arid Moonlight
Lvl 40-55: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Relics of Arid Moonlight
Lvl 40-55: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Relics of Arid Moonlight
Lvl 60-85: Lost Mines 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: Lost Mines
Lvl 60-85: Lost Mines 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Lost Mines
Lvl 60-85: Lost Mines 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Lost Mines
Lvl 60-85: Lost Mines 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Lost Mines
Lvl 70-95: Crystal Valley 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: Crystal Valley
Lvl 70-95: Crystal Valley 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Crystal Valley
Lvl 70-95: Crystal Valley 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Crystal Valley
Lvl 70-95: Crystal Valley 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Crystal Valley
Lvl 95-130: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau
Lvl 95-130: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau (30 Minutes)
Lvl 95-130: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau (22 Minutes)
Lvl 95-130: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau (8 Minutes)
Lvl 105-150: The Sanctuary (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: The Sanctuary
Lvl 105-150: The Sanctuary (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (1): The Sanctuary (8 Minutes)
Lvl 105-150: The Sanctuary (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (2): The Sanctuary (6 Minutes)
Lvl 105-150: The Sanctuary (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (3): The Sanctuary (4 Minutes)
Lvl 115-170: Temple of the Ancients (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack: Temple of the Ancients
Lvl 115-170: Temple of the Ancients (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Temple of the Ancients (10 Minutes)
Lvl 115-170: Temple of the Ancients (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Temple of the Ancients (8 Minutes)
Lvl 115-170: Temple of the Ancients (Dungeon Manager) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Temple of the Ancients (5 Minutes)
Daily: Underground Quests
These quests are not necessary to enter the Underground Dungeons but if youre going to be in there anyway you might as well do them, the initial quests from the Teleporter will also give you a little something just for talking to an NPC.
Lvl 150: H/K/L/R/CR/HV (Teleporter) Investigation: Relics of Arid Moonlight
Lvl 150: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1st Gate (Advance Party Member Jack) Dungeon Suppression: Medusa Hunt
Lvl 150: H/K/L/R/CR/HV (Teleporter) Investigation: Lost Mines
Lvl 150: Second Valmore Mine (Advance Party Member Kaine) Dungeon Suppression: Black Widow Hunt
Lvl 150: H/K/L/R/CR/HV (Teleporter) Investigation: Crystal Valley
Lvl 150: Crystal Mountain Pass (Advance Party Member Side) Dungeon Suppression: Bone Dragon Hunt
Lvl 150: H/K/L/R/CR/HV (Teleporter) Investigation: Palmir Remains
Lvl 150: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Advance Party Member Side) Dungeon Suppression: Bone Dragon Hunt
Underground Boss Time Attacks
All Underground Dungeon time attacks are repeated for each stage of the dungeon (1-4), so once you finished the 3rd time attack in stage 1 of a dungeon, you start over with the first time attack in stage 2 and so on. These are issued in order, killing the bosses in stage 2 will not complete a stage 1 quest.
Lvl 150: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1st Gate (Advance Party Member Jack) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Medusa (25 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1st Gate (Advance Party Member Jack) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Medusa (20 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Relics of Arid Moonlight 1st Gate (Advance Party Member Jack) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Medusa (10 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Second Valmore Mine (Advance Party Member Kaine) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Black Widow (25 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Second Valmore Mine (Advance Party Member Kaine) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Black Widow (20 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Second Valmore Mine (Advance Party Member Kaine) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Black Widow (10 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Crystal Mountain Pass (Advance Party Member Side) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Bone Dragon (25 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Crystal Mountain Pass (Advance Party Member Side) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Bone Dragon (20 Minutes)
Lvl 150: Crystal Mountain Pass (Advance Party Member Side) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Bone Dragon (10 Minutes)
Lvl 150: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Advance Party Member Jinsu) Dungeon Time Attack (1): Microraptor (25 Minutes)
Lvl 150: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Advance Party Member Jinsu) Dungeon Time Attack (2): Microraptor (20 Minutes)
Lvl 150: The Shrine of Palmir Plateau 1 (Advance Party Member Jinsu) Dungeon Time Attack (3): Microraptor (10 Minutes)
Daily: Circus Quests
Like the Underground dailies these are just a nice little extra you should pick up since youre going in the dungeon anyway.
Lvl: 150: Deep, Dark Forest (Vanguard Pie) Dungeon Expedition: Clear Circus Stage 1
Lvl: 150: Deep, Dark Forest (Vanguard Pie) Dungeon Expedition: Clear Circus Stage 2
Lvl: 160: Deep, Dark Forest (Vanguard Pie) Dungeon Expedition: Clear Circus Stage 3
Lvl: 160: Deep, Dark Forest (Vanguard Pie) Dungeon Expedition: Clear Circus Stage 4
Rappelz Booster Quest Osrs
R/RappelzOfficial: Rappelz is a free-to-play MMORPG with innovative classes, an epic storyline, player-ownable dungeons, and an exciting pet Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hey everyone, For those that may not know, or have the full list, rappelz has stickied a quest list guide on their website. It has every single quest in rappelz (to this date at least) and all quests within quest lines, including r6, boss ross, WQ, EUW, and daily quests (although doesn't say the daily quest's rewards). Hello and welcome to another Booster Quest! This is an adventure game played using the contents of a Magic booster as your magical arsenal. If you missed the first Booster Quest, this section will give you a run-down of the rules. Amara kaaviyam full movie download tamilrockers hd full. Rappelz Quests List by Level by krumm 001 Lv 01: Starting Area (Eusys, Canopus, or Arocel) Race’s Warm-Up Hunting 002 Lv 01: Starting Area (Eusys, Canopus, or Arocel) Let’s Learn Basic Weapon Mastery 003 Lv 01: Starting Area (Eusys, Canopus, or Arocel) Item From Race’s Hunting.